Currently in Poland, the most common form of business activity of legal entities are l.l.c. companies. One or more persons, legal entities or organizational units without legal personality, to which the act grants legal capacity, may be set up.
The company is liable for all its assets without any restrictions. Shareholders are not responsible for the liabilities of the company, they bear the risk to the amount of contributions made to the company.
Private Limited company requires full accounting, which ensures transparency.
Each foreigner can set up a limited liability company in Poland.
Attorneys from our law office provide comprehensive legal services: we conduct Clients throughout the entire process of establishing companies, we prepare a full set of documents, necessary resolutions and statements.
Establishment of a company by a foreigner:
- Conclusion of the company agreement. The Company’s Articles of Association specify the subject of the company’s operation, the rules of its operation, obligations of shareholders, registered office, name, amount of share capital, etc.
- Act of appointment. Establishment of the company’s bodies (management board, audit committee, supervisory board).
- Contribution of contributions to share capital. Contribution required by shareholders to cover share capital.
- Company registration. The registration of the company must be carried out within 6 months from the date of the company’s agreement in the form of a notarial deed.